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OUTrageous Voices is a vibrant, fully inclusive. intersectional, southeastern, lesbian, (bi, trans. & queer inclusive) women's writing conference. OUTrageous Voices is an inclusive conference for lesbian writers and others who identify differently but know they belong at a lesbian writing conference. For OUTrageous Voices, the words "queer," "lesbian," and "women" are used as umbrella terms; we fully support and respect self-identification.

Twice yearly, we come together in Georgia, about an hour south of Atlanta, for workshops, storytelling, writing, performing, and spoken word. Other activities we enjoy include hiking, board games, and more. Swimming will be available at our Spring 2024 conference. 


Stay tuned for more information!

Bold voices, trembling voices, Southern voices, first-time voices, poetic voices.

-Libby W


across boundaries, (permeable) borders

-Charlotte B

Big energy, 

big mouths,

bigger hearts

- Gayla/Alex


the layers of who I am and writing about what I find, in a safe, accepting space.

- Susan G.

Out voices

Raging voices 

Us voices

Her voices

Their voices

Our choices

-Jai M.

Fierce dykes,

Helpful bois,

Lovely lesbians,

Bountiful non-binary,

writers of all shades

and sizes,

melting pot of savory creativity

-Sam M.

We write our lives, listen to others, share space and intimacies to expand our human experiences.

-Madeline D. 

breathing space.writing for thoughts,

inspired conversation

writing exercises.

queer dykey lesbo

hippie punkasses &

regular lovers welcome

-Karen G

Lesbian storytellers, queer poets, dyke archivists, women-who-love-women writers, in community to write, read, share, and listen.

- Karen F.

Writers, lovers & friends who belong at a lesbian conference

- Tina T.

It inspires me to be out of my element, among the elements, and with people willing and vulnerable enough to do the same using the most important thing we have in common; words.

- Phoenix

            ©OUTrageous Voices 2024 
            Site created by jai, followed by suzn

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